Veterans Day 2021

November 11, 2021
Jim Bertram

On behalf of the Kassel Mission Historical Society, Happy Veterans Day to our membership, their families and their friends! We share our pride and we are forever grateful to all our veterans, past and present. Thank you veterans everywhere.

I am reminded, by my wife Marcie, that November is “Gratitude Month”. Very appropriate that we celebrate both Thanksgiving Day and Veteran’s Day in this month of gratitude. Each a wonderful day to reflect on the blessings that we all have, but each different in what we reflect upon.

Not many of us know, nor can we really relate to, the participants of the first Thanksgiving. But we all know and can relate to a veteran!

Thanksgiving Day begins with the ever popular Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade - broadcasted countrywide from New York City - starring fictional character heroes in the form of balloons, supported by dozens of corporate sponsors and their commercials. In days past there were Veteran’s Day parades in cities and towns celebrated all across our country - starring real local heroes and supported by local community volunteer participants. Sadly, the Veteran’s Day parades don’t get nearly enough nationwide press and, I would guess, little corporate support.

Finally, Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday where everything shuts down - corporate and the government. Veteran’s Day is still a work day for most all , with the exception of government and bank employees. Seems like Veteran’s Day should be extended the same consideration.

That all said, though Thanksgiving Day may have the physical family gatherings, unending food and fare, and the Black Friday shopping institution the following day - Veteran’s Day has something that can’t be matched. A nationwide day of shared thanks and shared gratitude for the men and women who have served. Served us to protect our way of life and our right to celebrate, gather and give thanks on Thanksgiving Day.

With gratitude to all who have served…

Jim Bertram