Hautman Crew

703rd Squadron


B-24J  #42-109789(Hardstand 12)  "Mairzy Doats"  Call Letter A (Able)

The Mairzy Doats was initially assigned to the 392nd Bombardment Group, 579th Bombardment Squadron.  It was damaged by flak on return from an April 12, 1944 mission to Zwickau.  Unfortunately, thinking the plane was going down, the two waist gunners bailed out; however, the plane did make back to its base.  One gunner was listed as KIA and the other as MIA.

The Mairzy Doats was repaired and transferred to the 445th BG, 703rd Squadron in August, 1944.



No items found.


Crashed in Germany           MACR 9398

Crew Members

Additional Details

Flying with the 700th Squadron on the Kassel Mission